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Freshwater invertebrates
In the
laboratory experiments, amphipod Gammarus
pseudolimnaneus prefer leaves of maple,
Acer saccharum, conditioned by two fungi, Humicola grisea and Heliscus
lugdunensis, over uncoditioned leaves (Bärlocher & Kendrick, 1975). Two species of
caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera), Hesperophylax
magnus and Psychoglypha sp., show
feeding preferences to leaves of aspen, Populus
tremuloides, colonized by fungi, Flagellospora
curvula, Alatospora acuminata and more, over stream detrirus. (Arsuffi
& Suberkropp, 1986). Amphipod G.
pulex is most attracted to the aufwuchs on the conditioned
discs made of poplar (Populus canadensis)
leaves and less to the leaves themselves, fungi and bacteria are more important
than green algae Scenedesmus obliquus
(De Lange et al., 2005).
feeding preferences in macroinvertebrates are associated with the leaf decomposition
rate that, in turn, is related to fungal colonization and protein content in conditioned leaves (e.g., Kaushik
& Hynes, 1971). Freshwater amphipods and isopods exhibit feeding preferences in the same order as the leaf
decomposition rate, approximately in the following sequence: elm > maple
> alder > oak > beech.
particular, in streams in the Western Oregon, USA, newly fallen leaves of alder, Alnus sp., are quickly colonized by
larvae of Leindostonta quercina
(Lepidostomatidae), other caddis larvae and snails (Oxytrema) (Anderson & Grafius, 1975). According to these authors,
the relatively high consumption rate of the unconditioned leaves by L. quercina demonstrates an exceptional
palatability or attractiveness of Alnus
Graça et
al. (2001) have studied feeding preferences in caddisfly larvae, Nectopsyche argentata and Phylloicus priapulus from tropical Venezuela, Sericostoma
vittatum from Portugal,
as well as amphipod G. pulex from Germany.
In general, all shredders exhibit the same high preference for conditioned leaves
over unconditioned ones (beech, Fagus
sylvatica, alder, Alnus glutinosa,
and more), irrespective of the geographical origin of the trees or shredder
freshwater detritivore-shredders do not per
se prefer leaf litter being be able to select actively other food items
such as filamentous green algae or macrophytes. Friberg & Jacobsen
(1994) have studied feeding preferences of the trichopteran shredder, Sericostoma personatum, and the amphipod
shredder, G. pulex, in springbrook
with the major food source represented by beech (F. sylvatica) litter. Six food items have been tested: conditioned
beech leaves, conditioned alder (A.
glutinosa) leaves, conditioned Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) needles, fresh beech leaves, fresh macrophyte (Potamogeton perfoliatus) and fresh
filamentous green alga (Microspora
sp.). Conditioned leaves and
needles have been collected directly in the springbrook. Both shredders prefer
conditioned Alnus leaves and fresh Microspora,
conditioned Fagus leaves and Picea needles are less preferred food
items. For larval populations of another trichopteran shredder, Anabolia nervosa, from the two
streams with the different food availability, conditioned Alnus leaves
are the most consumed food item, then fresh pondweed P. perfoliatus (Jacobsen & Friberg, 1994). Larvae from the Alnus
shaded stream prefer conditioned Alnus leaves over all other food
items, while larvae from the stream with the abundant submerged macrophyte do
not clearly discriminate between conditioned Alnus leaves and fresh Potamogeton.
These data indicate the high attractiveness of conditioned alder leaves for
many freshwater detritivore-shredders and their feeding plasticity.
Rinses of decaying leaf detritus are
highly attractive to elvers of American eel, Anguilla rostrata, regardless of where detritus is collected (Sorensen, 1986). In contrast,
rinses of living and fallen leaves collected from the forest floor are not
Coral reef clownfish,
Amphiprion percula, and other reef fish use terrestrial chemical cues (leaf
litter of beach tree called almond, Terminalia
catappa) to find island homes (Dixson et al., 2008, 2011).
Basic References
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Contributions of bacteria, fungi and
detritivorous macroinvertebrates (shredders) to leaf litter breakdown in
freshwater are studied by Hieber & Gessner (2002), in Germany. They
have enclosed alder (Alnus glutinosa)
and willow (Salix fragilis) leaves in
coarse-mesh bags (5 g dry mass), placed them in the stream during peak leaf
fall and retrieved periodically to study. Leaves have been retrieved after 1,
3, 7, 14, 28 and 55 days of submersion. In
is shown that leaves decompose rapidly with the exponential breakdown coefficients k
of 0.035 per day (alder) and 0.027 per day (willow). Leaves are also quickly colonized within the first 4
weeks of decomposition, when shredder biomass reach 263 and 141 mg dry mass per
litter bag, respectively. Maximum bacterial numbers (5,6 and 4,8 x 1010
g-1 detrital dry mass) are attained after 8 weeks
and corresponded to biomass of 3,6 (alder) and 3,1 (willow) mg dry mass g-1. This value is less than 5% of the maximum
fungal biomass (77 and 70 mg dry mass g-1, respectively). Aquatic hyphomycetes are
equivalent to the daily conidial production of 9.4 and 2.9 mg dry mass g-1 on alder and willow, respectively. Shredder
feeding rates indicate that shredders account for the largest portion of
overall leaf mass loss (64 % and 51 % on alder and willow leaves,
respectively). According to Hieber & Gessner (2002), fungi contribute at
least 15 % and 18 % to leaf litter background, bacterial contribution is
estimated at the substantial (7 % and 9 %) levels.
mentioned above, Hieber & Gessner (2002) have found that conditioned leaves
of alder, A. glutinosa, decompose faster
(92 % of initial dry mass after 8 weaks) than leaves of willow, S. fragilis (74 %). According to Gessner
& Chauvet (1994), leaf decomposition rate (in stream in the French Pyrenees) decreases in the following order: ash (Fraxinus
excelsior) (k = 0,059), wild cherry (Prunus
avium), alder (A. glutinosa),
hazel (Corylus avellana), sycamore (Platanus hybrida), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and evergreen oak (Cuercus ilex) (findings for sycamore and
oak are given for comparison). Decomposition rates (in stream in the Northern Appenins, Italy)
of conditioned leaves of maple, Aser
pseudoplatanus (0,054), and elm, Ulmus
minor (0,036), are also high (Gazzera et al., 1993).
Numerous papers have been published that
directly examine decomposition in leaf mixtures as well as in the component
species decaying alone (for review, see Gartner & Cardon, 2004). From these litter-mix
experiments, it is clear that decomposition patterns are not always predictable
from single-species dynamics. Non-additive
patterns of mass loss are observed in 67 % of tested mixtures, mass loss is
often but not always increased when litters of different species are mixed.
In the
experiments by Hieber & Gessner (2002), macroinvertebrates have been
represented chiefly by stonefly larvae Nemoura, Protonemura,
Amphinemura and Leuctra, caddisfly Potamophylax
as well as amphipod Gammarus fossarum.
Collector-gatherers and scrapers are mayfly larvae such as Baetis and Leptophlebiidae, together accounting for an additional
44% of total numbers but only 19% of
biomass. Maximum densities of macroinvertabrates have been observed to 4 weeks
after leaf submersion, with an average of
708 (alder) and 422 (willow) animals per 5 g leaf pack (Hieber & Gessner,
comparison, leaves of beech, F. sylvatica,
are colonized in Irish rivers by macroinvertebrates of 76 taxa (Murphy et al.,
Tiegs et al. (2008) have manipulated the quantity of leaf
litter to test whether: 1) greater litter quantity promotes microbial leaf
decomposition (through greater microbial inoculum potential), and 2) reduced
litter quantity enhances decomposition by leaf-shredding invertebrates (because
shredders aggregate on rare resource patches). Decomposition rates and
macroinvertebrate colonization of alder leaves placed in coarse- and fine-mesh
litter bags, an approach intended to allow or prevent access to leaves by leaf-shredding
macroinvertebrates, are also determined. Tiegs et al. (2008) have found that the effects caused by manipulations
of litter quantities on leaf decomposition and macroinvertebrate colonization are
relatively weak, such large and highly mobile shredder as amphipod G. fossarum can play an instrumental role
in causing differences in decomposition in response to litter manipulations.
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